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Chinese translation for "smoke ring"


Related Translations:
smoking:  n.1.冒烟;冒气。2.吸烟。adj.1.冒烟的, 烟熏的;冒气的。2.吸烟的;〔口语〕(证据)凿〔譬喻用法,参见 smoking gun〕。adv.冒着气;冒着烟。 No smoking 禁止吸烟。 a smoking steed 冒汗的马。 smoking hot soup 热气腾腾的汤。
smoke:  n.1.烟,烟尘,烟柱;雾;水气,蒸气;尘雾。2.没有实体[意义、现实性]的事物;空谈;空虚。3.模糊视线的东西。4.抽烟;香烟、雪茄烟;〔俚语〕内含大麻叶毒品的香烟。5.烟色;暗灰色。6.〔美俚〕劣质酒。7.〔俚语〕铁道救火员。8.〔俚语〕大麻(制品)。短语和例子No smoke [ There is no smoke ] without fire. 无火不生烟,无风不起
smoke ball:  smoke ball =smoke bomb.
smoke wagon:  〔美俚〕手枪;火车。
smoking stand:  烟灰缸座。
smoke tracer:  曳烟弹。
smoke curtain:  【军事】烟幕。
smoke alarm:  (防火用的)烟雾报警器。
smoke shell:  发烟炮弹。
smoke jumper:  空降森林灭火员。
Example Sentences:
1.So these structures are literally smoke rings
2.Now and again , he blew a smoke ring and laughed as i tried to target the hole with my finger
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